UV Lights
Contact us to get UV light fitted into your existing air conditioning system. Suitable for domestic and commercial installations.
Click the image below to see the many benefits of adding UV light to your system.

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Call us today for free no obligation advice.
Free phone 0115 971 7518

Each of our air conditioning installations is custom designed to suit our clients needs, drawing on our close contacts with a wide range of manufacturers and even wider range of equipment. So confident are we in the quality of our work that we offer guarantees of up to five years on all our installations (as part of an optional service contract package).
(For more information about the relevant legislation visit the organisations websites at www.hse.gov.uk, www.dti.gov.uk and www.environment-agency.gov.uk.)
All our air conditioning maintenance work is arranged to suit your timescales and operational goals, in order to minimise down time, inconvenience, and possible loss of production or sales.