R22 Refrigerant
R22 was, until 2002, a commonly used refrigerant in cooling and air conditioning equipment. However, recent studies have shown the damage it can cause to the ozone layer, adversely affecting the environment as a result, and new legislation now places restrictions on its use.
From January 2010, it became illegal to use new R22 refrigerant equipment and, from January 2015, the use of all recycled or recovered R22 equipment will also be banned. This could mean the cooling or air conditioning equipment you own could be affected so, here at Not Just Cooling, we are here to help.
Our team of highly experienced professionals can conduct a thorough and exhaustive audit of your existing system, seeing how it complies with the new legislation and advising on any remedial action which needs to be taken as a result. If action is required, we offer comprehensive management throughout the transition, replacing old equipment with modern, more energy efficient units or refitting your current system to use an alternative refrigerant.

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Each of our air conditioning installations is custom designed to suit our clients needs, drawing on our close contacts with a wide range of manufacturers and even wider range of equipment. So confident are we in the quality of our work that we offer guarantees of up to five years on all our installations (as part of an optional service contract package).
(For more information about the relevant legislation visit the organisations websites at www.hse.gov.uk, www.dti.gov.uk and www.environment-agency.gov.uk.)
All our air conditioning maintenance work is arranged to suit your timescales and operational goals, in order to minimise down time, inconvenience, and possible loss of production or sales.